Fariba Yeganeh

Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of Wood and Paper Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - The effect of Sulfuric acid and Maleic acid on characteristics of nano-cellulose produced from waste office paper

Present paper examines the effect of acid type and hydrolysis conditions on morphology, size, yield and crystallinity of produced cellulose nanocrystal (CNC). Cellulose obtained from waste office paper was hydrolyzed under the same conditions by Maleic acid (MA) and Sulfuric Acid (SA) in separate treatments.  Also this cellulose was hydrolyzed under different timing and temperature by MA and SA...

[ 2 ] - The effect of Sulfuric acid and Maleic acid on characteristics of nano-cellulose produced from waste office paper

Present paper examines the effect of acid type and hydrolysis conditions on morphology, size, yield and crystallinity of produced cellulose nanocrystal (CNC). Cellulose obtained from waste office paper was hydrolyzed under the same conditions by Maleic acid (MA) and Sulfuric Acid (SA) in separate treatments.  Also this cellulose was hydrolyzed under different timing and temperature by MA and SA...
