Mostafa Behzad Khameslo

Sama Technical and Vocational Training college, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch

[ 1 ] - Effect of Pyramidal Training on Plasma Lipid Profile and Fibrinogen, and Blood Viscosity of Untrained Young Men

The present study examined the effects of progressive exercise (pyramidal) short-term program on plasma fibrinogen, lipid profile and blood viscosity in untrained young men. Changes and imbalances in homeostasis lead to cause of heart attacks. There is conflicting information about the effect of exercise on these factors. 19 young healthy untrained men were randomly assigned to the exercise gro...

[ 2 ] - The effect of cardiac rehabilitation exercises on functional capacity and Ejection fraction in patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Aims: The use of rehabilitation programs is effective in heart patients. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determination the effect of cardiac rehabilitation exercises on functional capacity and ejection fraction in patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Materials & Methods: For this purpose, 16 cardiac patients of Fatemeh Zahra Sari heart center who underwent CABG s...