زراعت حرفه, فهیمه

[ 1 ] - نقش جو عاطفی خانواده و رضایت از زندگی در پیش‌بینی گرایش به اعتیاد

This study aimed at determining the role of family emotional climate and life satisfaction in predicting a tendency to addiction. This was a correlational study. The population included all the high-school male students of Kerman city. A total of 200 students was selected by the random sampling method, and they completed the family emotional climate scale, life satisfaction inventory, and the t...

[ 2 ] - مقایسه ویژگی های شخصیتی و حمایت اجتماعی در معتادان موفق و ناموفق در ترک اعتیاد

Abstract The aim of the present study is to compare personality characteristics and social support of successful and unsuccessful addicts in quitting addiction. In this causal-comparative research 50 successful addicts in quitting addiction, and 50 unsuccessful addicts were selected using convenience sampling. Data were collected using NEO personality questionnaire and Procidano and Heller p...

[ 3 ] - Addicted people’s experiences of the consequences of substance abuse on their lives: a phenomenology study

Addiction is one of the biggest predicaments in today’s world which inflicts negative consequences upon individuals and communities. The aim of the present study was to examine the consequences of substance abuse on the life of women and men during recovery. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach using phenomenological method. Forty Participants recovering from addiction (20 women ...

[ 4 ] - A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification in Real and Placebo Conditions on Attentional Bias and Approach Bias in Opium Abusers

Background & Aim: Inability to control drug use is considered a core aspect of drug dependency. Part of this inability is due to cognitive biases resulting from individuals’ constant usage of drugs. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive bias modification in real and placebo conditions on attentional bias and approach bias in opium abusers. Methods: This stud...