ادیب پور, ناهید

1- گروه تربیت‌بدنی، دانشکده تربیت‌بدنی، دانشگاه تربیت دبیر شهید رجایی، تهران، ایران.

[ 1 ] - پیش‌بینی توانایی شوت بسکتبال براساس ویژگیهای آنتروپومتریک، دامنه حرکتی و قدرت اندام فوقانی در دختران بسکتبالیست نخبه

Objective: This study aims to predict basketball shooting ability on the basis of anthropometric characteristics, wrist range of motion, and strength of upper extremity in elite female basketball players. Methods: The sample of the study included 34 female basketball players invited to attend the national team trainings. 15 subjects were playing in center and 19 subjects in guard and forward...