M. Zohrehbandian

Karaj azad university, Karaj, Iran

[ 1 ] - A New Goal programming approach for cross efficiency evaluation

Cross efficiency evaluation was developed as an extension of DEA. But the traditional DEA models usually have alternative optimal solutions and, as a result, cross efficiency scores may not be unique. It is recommended that without changing the DEA efficiency scores, the secondary goal should be introduced for optimization of the inputs/outputs weights.  Several reports evaluated the perfo...

[ 2 ] - DEA cross efficiency evaluation in presence of linear and nonlinear data

Cross-efficiency is an effective approach for evaluation of DMUs which can be performed with different secondary goals. DEA and cross-efficiency view all variables as behaving in a linear fashion and regardless of the amounts of a variable held by DMUs, DEA apply a same multiplier to those various amounts. But in certain situations this linearity assumption is not appropriate, and the conventio...
