Masoumeh Motamednia

University of Mazandaran

[ 1 ] - Kronelope in Ulitskaya\'s Short Stories

The features of the composition of small prose by L. Ulitskaya (on the example of the stories "Bronka", "Happy", "Poor Relatives") are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the features of picturing time in stories, to the past which is sometimes more important for understanding the motives and characters of L. Ulitskaya’s heroes than the present and even...

[ 2 ] - A new way to drawing the portray of Iran in long story «Sins by Whom?» by Daniil Mordovtsev

Orient and oriented character with the rare features and brilliant beauty attract the romantic writers. This attractiveness becomes more widespread in the works of creators of Russian historical novels particularly in long story “Sins by whom?“. This work has integrated in it several conflicting objectives. Attempting to depict realistic image in the work with the evident tension to...

[ 3 ] - Философская ментальность Востока в русской поэзии XIX века

Краткое содержание На протяжении ряда веков русские поэты и прозаики по-разному видели Восток, особенно Иран, неодинаковыми были побудительные мотивы, порождавшие желание заглянуть в очертания совсем иного мира, различной была степень погруженности в неведомую культуру. Отношения Российского государства и Персии уходят в глубокую древность. Об этом свидетельствуют дошедшие до нас хроники, ру...
