G. H. G. Hamadani
[ 1 ] - Characterizations of New Modified Weibull Distribution
Several characterizations of a New Modified Weibull distribution, introduced by Doostmoradi et al. (2014), are presented. These characterizations are based on: (i) truncated moment of a function of the random variable (ii) the hazard function (iii) a single function of the random variable (iv) truncated moment of certain function of the 1st order statistic.
[ 2 ] - A Few Characterizations of the Univariate Continuous Distributions
Various characterizations of distributions, in their generality, are presented in terms of the conditional expectations. Some special examples are given as well.
[ 3 ] - The Weighted Exponentiated Family of Distributions: Properties, Applications and Characterizations
In this paper a new method of introducing an additional parameter to a continuous distribution is proposed, which leads to a new class of distributions, called the weighted exponentiated family. A special sub-model is discussed. General expressions for some of the mathematical properties of this class such as the moments, quantile function, generating function and order statistics are derived;...