A. Pour Eshmanan Talemi
[ 1 ] - Local Cohomology with Respect to a Cohomologically Complete Intersection Pair of Ideals
Let $(R,fm,k)$ be a local Gorenstein ring of dimension $n$. Let $H_{I,J}^i(R)$ be the local cohomology with respect to a pair of ideals $I,J$ and $c$ be the $inf{i|H_{I,J}^i(R)neq0}$. A pair of ideals $I, J$ is called cohomologically complete intersection if $H_{I,J}^i(R)=0$ for all $ineq c$. It is shown that, when $H_{I,J}^i(R)=0$ for all $ineq c$, (i) a minimal injective resolution of $H_{I,...