F. Koushki

Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University

[ 1 ] - Modeling Dynamic Production Systems with Network Structure

This paper deals with the problem of optimizing two-stage structure decision making units (DMUs) where the activity and the performance of two-stage DMU in one period effect on its efficiency in the next period. To evaluate such systems the effect of activities in one period on ones in the next term must be considered. To do so, we propose a dynamic DEA approach to measure the performance of su...

[ 2 ] - Scale Efficient Targets in Production Systems With Two-stage Structure Under Imprecise Data Assumption

Traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models evaluate two-stage decision making unit (DMU) as a black box and neglect the connectivity may exist among the stages. This paper looks inside the system by considering the intermediate activities between the stages where the first stage uses inputs to produce outputs which are the inputs to the second stage along with its own inputs. Additional...
