Sh.K. Tiwari
IIT- Delhi
[ 1 ] - Left Annihilator of Identities Involving Generalized Derivations in Prime Rings
Let $R$ be a prime ring with its Utumi ring of quotients $U$, $C=Z(U)$ the extended centroid of $R$, $L$ a non-central Lie ideal of $R$ and $0neq a in R$. If $R$ admits a generalized derivation $F$ such that $a(F(u^2)pm F(u)^{2})=0$ for all $u in L$, then one of the following holds: begin{enumerate} item there exists $b in U$ such that $F(x)=bx$ for all $x in R$, with $ab=0$; item $F(x)=...
B. Dhara 1