Akbar Jafari
[ 1 ] - Theoretical comparison analysis of long and short external cavity semiconductor laser
In this paper, considering optical feedback as an optical injection, and taking in to account round-trip time role in the external cavity, a standard small signal analysis is applied on laser rate equations. By considering the relaxation oscillation (f2) and external cavity frequencies (f) ratio for semiconductor laser, field amplitude response gain, optical phase and carrier number for long ex...
[ 2 ] - Implementation of Single-Qutrit Quantum Gates via Tripod Adiabatic Passage
We proposed and analyzed implementation of the single-qutrit quantum gates based on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) between magnetic sublevels in atoms coupled by pulsed laser fields. This technique requires only the control of the relative phase of the driving fields but do not involve any dynamical or geometrical phases, which make it independent of the other interaction details: ...