A. Ghodratnama Baboli Vahdani

University of Lyon

[ 1 ] - A Robust Optimization Approach for a p-Hub Covering Problem with Production Facilities, Time Horizons and Transporter

Hub location-allocation problems are currently a subject of keen interest in the research community. However, when this issue is considered in practice, significant difficulties such as traffic, commodity transportation and telecommunication tend to be overlooked. In this paper, a novel robust mathematical model for a p-hub covering problem, which tackles the intrinsic uncertainty of some param...

[ 2 ] - Comparing Three Proposed Meta-heuristics to Solve a New p-hub Location-allocation Problem

This paper presents a new mathematical model, in which the location of hubs is fixed and their capacity is determined based on facilities and factories allocated to it. In order to feed the client's nodes, different types of vehicles of different capacities are considered, in which the clients are allocated to hubs, and types and numbers of vehicles are allocated to the factory's facilities. To...