Mohammad Taghi Amini

Department of Management, Tehran Branch, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Relationship Between Self-Management Strategy and Self-Efficacy Among Staff of Ardabil Disaster and Emergency Medical Management Centers

Background: The nature of the work in the emergency department is as if the unwilling persons are in trouble. Self-efficacy is necessary to overcome obstacles in this type of job. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-management strategy and self-efficacy of emergency staff, stressing on the mediating role of job stress and safety behavior. Materials an...

[ 2 ] - Identification of Public Policy Implementation Barriers (Health System Reform Plan)

Background & Aims of the Study: One of the main concerns of policymakers is the establishment of health equity and access to health services. Health system reform plan is one of the most important tools of policy makers in the health system. The health system, as any other plan has had some problems during implementation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the obstacles to the ...

[ 3 ] - The association between workplace spirituality and Job Stress with occupational ethics through mediating role of Job Enthusiasm among nurses in Zahedan City, 2017

Background: Observing ethical principles is a part of nursing occupation and nurses should be aware of the importance of this subject when providing nursing care in order to provide their skills based on occupational ethics. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to investigate the relationship between occupational stress and the workplace spirituality with the nurses’ occupational et...

[ 4 ] - Investigating the Effect of Organizational Silence and Voice on Employees\' Performance ‎Based on the Mediating Role of Ethical Leadership ‎(Case Study: Tehran Metropolitan Fire Station)‎

Introduction: The lack of expressing an opinion in employees working in organizations can cause a phenomenon called organizational silence. Organizational silence has a damaging effect on employee’s productivity. The importance of organizational sound and silence in organizational performance is currently one of the fundamental organizational challenges. Method: In this was descriptive study, ...
