Abbas Gholipour

Associate Prof., Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Prometheum rechingeri, a new report from Iran

In the course of the study of collected specimens from West Azerbaijan province (NW Iran), Prometheum rechingeri (Crassulaceae) is reported for the first time from Iran. Based on recent phylogenetic and morphological studies in Crassulaceae family, genus Prometheum was considered as independent genus. So far, two species viz. P. pilosum (under Sedum pilosum), and P. sempervivoides (under S. se...

[ 2 ] - A new record and some rediscovered endemic Silene (Caryophyllaceae) species in Iran

Silene is represented by c. 110 species in flora of Iran which growing mainly in the mountainous areas. During several expeditions to different regions of Iran (Tehran, Semnan, Kerman, Kermanshah and Kohgiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad Provinces) some interesting specimens were collected. S. caucasica, is introduced as a new record for the flora of Iran. Five interesting and very restricted Iranian endem...
