sh. Banihashemi
Department of Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Allameh Tabataba’I University, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Three steps method for portfolio optimization by using Conditional Value at Risk measure
Comprehensive methods must be used for portfolio optimization. For this purpose, financial data of stock companies, inputs and outputs variable, the risk measure and investor’s preferences must be considered. By considering these items, we propose a method for portfolio optimization. In this paper, we used financial data of companies for screening the stock companies. We used Conditional Value ...
[ 2 ] - Robust Portfolio Optimization with risk measure CVAR under MGH distribution in DEA models
Financial returns exhibit stylized facts such as leptokurtosis, skewness and heavy-tailness. Regarding this behavior, in this paper, we apply multivariate generalized hyperbolic (mGH) distribution for portfolio modeling and performance evaluation, using conditional value at risk (CVaR) as a risk measure and allocating best weights for portfolio selection. Moreover, a robust portfolio optimizati...
[ 3 ] - Using MODEA and MODM with Different Risk Measures for Portfolio Optimization
The purpose of this study is to develop portfolio optimization and assets allocation using our proposed models. The study is based on a non-parametric efficiency analysis tool, namely Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Conventional DEA models assume non-negative data for inputs and outputs. However, many of these data take the negative value, therefore we propose the MeanSharp-βRisk (MShβR) model...