Emami Sigaroodi, Abdolhosein
[ 1 ] - Qualitative research methodology: phenomenology
There are two qualitative and quantitative research paradigms in the methodological debates. Phenomenological approach is one of the most important methods in the qualitative researches. ‎Depending on researcher’s view on study phenomenon, this approach is divided into two main ‎methods of descriptive and interpretive. Despite the many similarities between the two methods, ‎th...
[ 2 ] - Comparative survey between quantitative and qualitative paradigms (part II)
As stated in the first part of article, we have stated the four major philosophical paradigms ‎which make up the basis for knowledge(epistemology), the nature and reality(ontology) and ‎the acquisition methods of knowledge(methodology). Thus, according to each paradigm, ‎approach to knowledge is determined. ‎‏ ‏ In a more general category, we have two quantitative and qu...