S. H. Keshmiri

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)

[ 1 ] - Design and Fabrication of a Narrow-bandwidth Micromechanical Ring Filter using a Novel Process in UV-LIGA Technology

This paper presents the design and a new low-cost process for fabrication of a second-order micromechanical filter using UV-LIGA technology. The micromechanical filter consists of two identical bulk-mode ring resonators, mechanically coupled by a flexural-mode beam. A new lumped modeling approach is presented for the bulk-mode ring resonators and filter. The validity of the analytical derivatio...

[ 2 ] - Nonlinear Modeling and Investigating the Nonlinear Effects on Frequency Response of Silicon Bulk-mode Ring Resonator

This paper presents a nonlinear analytical model for micromechanical silicon ring resonators with bulk-mode vibrations. A distributed element model has been developed to describe the dynamic behavior of the micromechanical ring resonator. This model shows the nonlinear effects in a silicon ring resonator focusing on the effect of large amplitudes around the resonance frequency, material and ele...
