M. Shams Esfand Abadi

Shahid Rajee University

[ 1 ] - A Family of Variable Step-Size Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithms Using Statistics of System Impulse Response

This paper presents a new variable step-size normalized subband adaptive filter (VSS-NSAF) algorithm. The proposed algorithm uses the prior knowledge of the system impulse response statistics and the optimal step-size vector is obtained by minimizing the mean-square deviation(MSD). In comparison with NSAF, the VSS-NSAF algorithm has faster convergence speed and lower MSD. To reduce the computa...

[ 2 ] - Image Restoration with Two-Dimensional Adaptive Filter Algorithms

Two-dimensional (TD) adaptive filtering is a technique that can be applied to many image, and signal processing applications. This paper extends the one-dimensional adaptive filter algorithms to TD structures and the novel TD adaptive filters are established. Based on this extension, the TD variable step-size normalized least mean squares (TD-VSS-NLMS), the TD-VSS affine projection algorithms (...
