Shabanali Khansanami

Department of Theology, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Deliberation on Authenticity of Medical Traditions from the Perspective of Fariqain

Background and Objectives: In the field of health and teachings of hygienics–medicine, a lot of traditions have been transmitted from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (A.S) and valuable collections by the titles of Ţibb al-Nabī (PBUH) and Ţibb al-Ἀemmah (A.S) have been provided. What authentic bases they are stand on scientifically, and how they should be dealt with if their concepts are...

[ 2 ] - Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Mental Health among the Students of the Qom University of Medical Sciences

Background and Objectives: Islamic lifestyle is associated with all dimensions of life and can play an important role in maintaining health. The present study was conducted to investigate correlation between dimensions of Islamic lifestyle and mental health in the students of the Qom University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The study population of this descriptive-analytical, cross-sectional s...

[ 3 ] - A Comparative Study of Self-Confidence from the Perspectives of Quran, Ahadith and Psychology

Background and Objectives: Self-confidence, referring to relying on and exploiting individual abilities and talents for realizing spiritual and material prosperity, not only contradicts but is in agreement with and a prerequisite for faith in God. Practically, the greater faith in God one has, the more potent self-confidence he /she possess. Investigating the subject of self-confidence from the...

[ 4 ] - Trust in the Almighty God from the Viewpoint of Psychology and its Relationship with Self-Confidence

Background and Objectives: Religious behaviors, among which Trust in the Almighty God is a major representation, play a key role in giving meaning to life, generation of hope, and mental relaxation. The present study was conducted aimed at examination of the subject Trust in the Almighty God and analysis of the concept Trust from the perspective of psychology, delineating its relationship with ...

[ 5 ] - Qom University of Medical Sciences Students’ Opinions Regarding Istikharah, Fate, Destiny, scripting-Amulet, and Jinns

Background and Objectives: Belief health and possession of proper religious beliefs are among hygienic priorities for effective and active strata of the society. False religious beliefs and adherence thereto lead human beings astray. The present study intends to get insight into awareness of Qom University of Medical Sciences students from wrong religious beliefs. Methods: The present research ...

[ 6 ] - The Study of the Various Types of Healing and Their Relationship with Prayer as Explicated in the Quran and the Tradition

The holy Quran has used the term "healing" for three issues and healing means the health, treatment, and recovery. The present study aims to examine some verses in the Quran and also some related narrations regarding the healing of diseases. : The resources used by the researchers in this study have been the major interpretations of Shiite and Sunnite and some narrative sources inc...

[ 7 ] - بررسی تطبیقی خطبه عمر

عمر بن خطاب که در یک روز جمعه در جمع نمازگزاران سخن می‌گفت وقایعی از رخداد سقیفه به زبان آورد که از دیدگاه مورخان، با اهمیت ارزیابی شده است. عمر تنها شاهد باقی‌مانده از یاران سقیفه‌ای خود است که اکنون در حضور مردم و در اثنای خطبه نماز جمعه از آن روز واقعه گزارش می‌کند و پرده از حقایقی بر می‌دارد که سالیان دراز به‌گونه‌ای دیگر بازگو و تبلیغ می‌شده است. پژوهش پیش رو سعی کرده ضمن ترجمه و شرح این ...

[ 8 ] - A Survey on the time and history of restricting denominations in four

Lack of norm and arbitrary use of ijtihad among Sunni scholars along with other causes led to many jurisprudential denominations and opinions. Among 138 jurisprudential denominations present in the second and third centuries after Hijra followed by people, only four including Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi`i and Hanbali were formally accepted, the others were soon left. The period in which such an event...