محمد حیدری,

کارشناس ارشد پرستاری، دانشکده پرستاری بروجن دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد، شهرکرد، ایران(*نویسنده مسئول)

[ 1 ] - تأثیر آموزش الگوی حل مسئله اجتماعی دزوریلا و گلد فراید بر مهارت حل مسئله دانشجویان پرستاری

  Background & Aim : Problem solving is a skill vital for life today and its learning is essential for everyone. Considering that the best way to achieve the correct habits of thinking and judgment is to use educational programs and to confront students with real issues, the aim of this study was to identify the effect of D’ zurilla & gold fried problem solving model’s training on problem solvi...
