ناظمی, حمید

دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی شهر مجلسی

[ 1 ] - بررسی تأثیر متغیرهای جوشکاری انفجاری بر رفتار خوردگی اتصال سه لایه انفجاری لوله‌های Al 1050/Al 5083/St 321 در محیط نمک

In the present research, the influences of explosive welding parameters on the corrosion behavior of the three layer explosive welds of the tubes Al 5083 / Al 1050 / stcr18Ni9Ti in the salt environment was investigated. The selected parameters included the stand-off distance and the thickness of the explosive charge. Therefore, two samples A and B were welded with stand-off distances of 6 and 6...