بادامی, علی

[ 1 ] - آفات نفس از دیدگاه آبای صحرا و عرفای مسلمان(با تکیه بر آرای غزالی)

Self-training and purification is a preliminary step for the exaltation of the soul and human salvation. Self scourges and moral knaveries are considered as the most important obstacles to mystical paths. The Desert Fathers consider fighting against the self scourges as a necessary prelude to the beginning of spiritual transition and covering mystical stages. Muslim mystics too, highly emp...

[ 2 ] - مقایسه مقامات عرفانی از دیدگاه پدران صحرا و عارفان مسلمان در چهار قرن اولیه(میلادی و هجری)

Mysticism is a broad spiritual trend, which is prevalent among religions. There is a close resemblance and understanding among religions when considering mysticism. Similarly, there is much close resemblance and understanding between two mystical systems of Christianity and Islam. The present article attempted to compare practical mysticism in two systems of desert fathers’ practical mysticism ...
