شمسی زاده, علی

[ 1 ] - نقش محور هیپوتالاموس- هیپوفیز- آدرنال بر اثرات ضد‌التهابی تری‌فلوپرازین در موش صحرایی نر

The Role of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis on Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Trifluoperazine in Male Rats A. Shamsizadeh MSc , M. Khaksari Haddad PhD , A. Azarang MSc , M. Mahmoodi PhD , R. Abbasi Rayeni GP Received: 10/10/06 Sent for Revision: 21/01/07 Received Revised Manuscript: 10/02/07 Accepted: 12/03/07 Background and Objective:Previous studies, have been shown the anti-infla...

[ 2 ] - Effect of Norepinephrine depletion on induction of experience dependent plasticity in male rat barrel cortex

Introduction: Barrel cortex of rats is a part of somatosensory cortex, which receives information from facial whiskers. Vibrisectomy by sensory deprivation leads to some changes in the barrel cortex, which have been known as experience dependent plasticity. On the other hand, Norepinephrine (NE) and locus coeruleus, which is the main source of NE, influenced response properties of cortical bar...