گلشیری‌اصفهانی, علی

[ 1 ] - گزارش یک مورد جراحی آندوسکوپیک موکورمایکوزیس بینی و سینوس پارانازال با حفظ عملکرد اعضاء حیاتی

    Nasal and Paranasal Sinus Mucormycosis, Endoscopic Surgery with Protection of Vital Organs Function     A. Golshiri Isfahani [1] , Z. Shabani [2] , F. Lori Gooini [3] , M.R. Mokhtaree [4]     Received: 25/09/07 Sent for Revision: 15/09/08 Received Revised Manuscript: 30/04/09 Accepted: 09/05/09     Background and Objectives: Mucormycosis is a rare but often fatal disease caused by a fungus ...

[ 2 ] - Effects of Opium Smoking Cessation on the Nasopharyngeal Microbial Flora

Abstract Background: To determine the effect of opium smoking cessation on the frequency and type of microorganisms in the nasopharynx of opium smokers. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study performed in psychology and ENT department of Moradi Hospital of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2008 (Kerman, Iran). Nasopharyngeal cultures were taken from 50 opium smokers b...