کمالی, محمد

دانشکده علوم توانبخشی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران

[ 1 ] - مرور نظام مند کیفیت زندگی معلولین جسمی حرکتی

The quality of the life of communities is referred to as a framework for offering services in accordance with the different aspects of life and also for the allocation of sources. The more the quality of life increases sustainably, the more mental diseases, frustration, self- and society-alienation, inefficiency, dissatisfaction of life, crimes and social un-normality decrease. International ...

[ 2 ] - Guide to Social Work Intervention for Community Re-entry of Offenders With a History of Violence Against Individuals

Objective: The re-entry of offenders to the community after their imprisonment is a sensitive and important stage and should always be considered by governmental and non-governmental organizations. The proper transition from prison to the community occurs when rehabilitation and social reintegration programs are developed and implemented based on the real needs of individuals. Social work is on...