عابدینی, سید محمود

[ 1 ] - مقایسه سبک های مقابله با استرس در بیماران مبتلا به مولتیپل اسکلروزیس با افراد سالم شرق استان مازندران

Background and purpose: Multiple Sclerosis is a disease related to immune system with unknown factors which is considered one of the most important debilitating neurological diseases in adults particularly in youths in which myelin part of Central Nervous System (CNS) is damaged. This study mainly aims to compare styles of coping with stress in people with Multiple Sclerosisand healthy people i...

[ 2 ] - مقایسه پنج عامل بزرگ شخصیت در بیماران مبتلا به مولتیپل اسکلروزیس و افراد سالم

Background and purpose: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic diseases of the nervous system in which the myelin nerve fiber in the brain and spinal cord is destroyed and the causes are still unclear. MS could result in progressive disabilities in young adults with different symptoms and incidence rate. This research aimed at comparing the big five personality factor in MS patients and healthy i...