مشتاق عشق, زهرا

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی تهران

[ 1 ] - بررسی عوامل زمینه ای مرتبط با رفتارهای خودمراقبتی در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت نوع دو مراجعه کننده به مرکز تحقیقات استان یزد، سال 1393

Introduction: Basic conditioning factors can influence the self-care behaviors, and it is necessary to perform self-care behaviors in order to prevent diabetes complications and improve the quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the effects of basic conditioning factors on self-care behaviors of the patients with type 2 diabetes who referred to Yazd Research Center. Methods: In t...

[ 2 ] - بررسی تاثیر برنامه آموزش خود مراقبتی بر اساس "الگوی خود مراقبتی اورم" بر کیفیت زندگی بیماران مبتلا به میگرن

 مقدمه: حملات دوره ای میگرن سبب اختلال عملکرد بیمار از جمله غیبت های طولانی مدت از محل کار، تاثیر بر خلق و خوی و اختلالات خواب می شود و نهایتا کیفیت زندگی را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد. این پژوهش با هدف تعیین بررسی تاثیر برنامه آموزش خود مراقبتی بر اساس "الگوی خود مراقبتی اورم" بر کیفیت زندگی بیماران مبتلا به میگرن انجام شد. مواد و روش ها: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی، 42 بیمار مبتلا به میگرن مراج...

[ 3 ] - The Relationship between Fast Food Consumption and Serum Folic Acid Level in Nursing Students of Islamic Azad University, Medical Sciences Branch of Tehran

Introduction: Nursing students are consuming fast foods despite studying medical science. Nursing students are susceptible to significant micronutrients such as folic acid (folate) due to the high volume of training and theoretical courses. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between fast food intake and serum folic acid level in nursing undergraduate students of Islamic Aza...

[ 4 ] - The effect of Music Therapy on the Quality of Life of Patients With Gastric Cancer Referred to a Selected Hospital Affiliated to Ardabil University of Medical Sciences in 2020

Introduction: Today, music therapy is used to treat chronic diseases such as cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of music therapy on the quality of life of patients with gastric cancer referred to a selected hospital affiliated to Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, 2019. Methods: This study is an experimental study that was performed on 74 patients with gastric can...