موحدپور, افسانه السادات

گروه مهندسی نساجی و پلیمر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد یزد

[ 1 ] - استراتژی نوین در بهبود شاخصه‌های درمانی داروهای گیاهی: ساخت و مشخصه یابی نانو لیپوزومهای حاوی اسانس نعناع فلفلی (Mentha piperita)

Introduction: Herbal Compound and their essential oils possess high antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties, but conventional prescribing of them faces serious challenges. Liposomal nano-carrier is one of the common pharmaceutical strategies to overcome these challenges. In this study, slow-released liposomal system containing Mentha piperita’s essential oil was prepared in ...

[ 2 ] - تاثیر سونیکیشن بر نیوزوم حاوی اسانس آویشن به منظور ایجاد شوینده زیستی-نانویی

سابقه و هدف: امروزه به دلیل خواص ضد میکروبی گیاهان، توجه زیادی به افزودن مواد موثره طبیعی به سامانه های دارویی، غذایی و بهداشتی شده است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی و ساخت نانو ذره حاوی اسانس آویشن به عنوان شوینده زیستی انجام شد.   مواد و روش ها: در این بررسی اسانس گیاه آویشن با دستگاه کلونجر استخراج و خالص سازی گردید. سپس به روش بنگها...

[ 3 ] - سنتز نانو ذرات بر پایه سورفکتنت حاوی اسانس Mentha piperita L. و Mentha pulegium L. به‌منظور بررسی رهایش اسانس و فعالیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی

اسانس‌ها ترکیب‌هایی بسیار فرّار هستند. انکپسوله کردن اسانس درون حامل دارویی باعث کاهش فرّاریت اسانس، کاهش اکسیدشوندگی و افزایش بازدهی اثرگذاری اسانس می‌شود. هدف از این تحقیق ساخت نانونیوزوم زیست سازگار حاوی اسانس نعناع (Mentha piperita L.) و پونه (Mentha pulegium L.) و توسعه سامانه گیاهی-دارویی با میزان بارگذاری مناسب می‌باشد. از این‌رو، اثر مقدار و نوع سورفکتنت و همچنین مقدار فسفولیپید بر روی فر...

[ 4 ] - ساخت و بررسی نانونیوزومهای حاوی دوکسوروبیسین و ارزیابی سمیت آن بر رده ی سلولی لوسمی میلوبلاستی حاد KG-1

Backgrounds and Aim: One of the effective strategies for targeting chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer is the use of lipid nano-carriers. In this study, an optimal formulation of niosomal drug containing doxorubicin has been developed to better fight cancer cells. Material and Methods: Niosomal vesicles were prepared using phosphatidylcholine (22%), span60 (52/5%), cholesterol (22/5%) and ...

[ 5 ] - مطالعه‌ای نوین در سنتز و بهینه سازی نانوحامل‌های لیپونیوزوم پگیله حاوی کورکومین به منظور کاربرد در شیمی درمانی سرطان

Introdution: Chemotherapy is one of most effective methods to fight metastatic tumors. Its non- targeting has many side effects. The aim of this study was to investigate various formulations of Lipo-Niosomal hybrid system to achieve an optimized and targeted formulation to provide proper function as a complementary drug in cancer chemotherapy. Methods: The present study was an experimental stu...

[ 6 ] - تاثیر سونیکیشن بر نیوزوم حاوی اسانس آویشن به منظور ایجاد شوینده زیستی-نانویی

سابقه و هدف: امروزه به دلیل خواص ضد میکروبی گیاهان، توجه زیادی به افزودن مواد موثره طبیعی به سامانه های دارویی، غذایی و بهداشتی شده است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی و ساخت نانو ذره حاوی اسانس آویشن به عنوان شوینده زیستی انجام شد.   مواد و روش ها: در این بررسی اسانس گیاه آویشن با دستگاه کلونجر استخراج و خالص سازی گردید. سپس به روش بنگها...

[ 7 ] - سنتز و بهینه‌سازی حامل های نیوزومی حاوی داروی دوکسوروبیسین به منظور دستیابی به فرمولاسیون نهایی با پتانسیل بالا در دما و اسیدیته سلول‌های سرطانی

Introdution: Doxorubicin is one of the most commonly used drugs in chemotherapy with many side effects; this fact has limited its use. In the present study, based on the knowledge of pharmaceutical nanocarriers, various formulations of the niosomal form of this drug were synthesized and surface optimizations were applied to the final selected formulation. Methods: The present study was an expe...

[ 8 ] - Designing and optimization of liposomal nano-carriers containing Nepeta persica extract and study of its cytotoxicity on the breast cancer cell line (MCF-7)

Introduction: Studies have shown that plant compounds have significant anticancer effects that if the challenges of using them are resolved, Can be the successor to the synthetic compounds commonly used in cancer therapy. Therefore, in this study, the liposomal nano- carriers containing Nepeta persica extract have been investigated in order to improve the physicochemical characteristics and eva...

[ 9 ] - Study of anti-cancer effects of Curcumin; formulation of Curcumin-loaded nano carrier and its toxicity effect on MCF-7 Cell line.

Introdution: Nanotechnology introduced new methods to chemotherapy drugs delivery into cancer cells to reduce the side effect of drugs it increases the quality of cancer treatment and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy. . In this study, different lipid formulations of nucliposomes containing curcumin was prepared by thin-layer method and evaluated for chemical-physical evaluation on MCF-7...

[ 10 ] - Formulation of a therapeutic cationic liposome-siRNA complex for development to fight osteosarcoma

Introdution: Cationic liposomes have been presented for gene delivery as an alternative vector instead of viral vectors. A major challenge associated with siRNA delivery is the instability of liposomes, which is still a serious problem. The aim of this study was to provide an appropriate formulation to overcome this instability. Methods: In the present study (Scientific-Fundamental, Experiment...

[ 11 ] - Experimental study: experimental evaluation of phospholipid system containing doxorubicin HCL for use in chemotherapy

Introdution: Common cancer treatment methods have many side effects. Therefore, the use of new methods for drug delivery to cancer cells is necessary. In the present study, nano formulations of lipid carriers containing doxorubicin have been synthesized and its physicochemical properties have been investigated. Methods: The present study was an experimental study. The liposomal systems were sy...

[ 12 ] - Investigating the effect of lipid nanoparticles containing silibinin anti-cancer drug on the growth of breast cancer MCF-7 cell line

Background & Aim: Silibinin is a blend of flavonoids, which is extracted from Marianum Silybum, and its anti-cancer effects on breast cells have been studied. The aim of this study was to provide physiochemical evaluation of various formulations of the niosomal system containing silibinin, in order to achieve targeted formulation to better fight breast cancer cells. Methods: Nano-carriers were...

[ 13 ] - Evaluation of the effect of methanolic extract of pomegranate peel on cytotoxicity induction and PDGF gene expression in cervical cancer (Hela cell line)

Background & Aim: Extract of pomegranate peel is a potential bioactive substance to combat cancer due to its rich cytotoxic components including polyphenols. This study aimed to identify phytochemical ingredients of pomegranate peel extract and assessed the level of their cytotoxicity on a cervical cancer cell line. In addition, the effect of this extract on expression of a key gene in the proc...

[ 14 ] - سنتز و مشخصه یابی فیزیوشیمیایی نانوحامل‌های هیبرید لیپونیوزومی به عنوان حاملهایی برای داروی ضد سرطان دوکسوروبیسین هیدروکلراید

مقدمه: نانوحامل‌های لیپیدی با رهایش آهسته و تحویل نیمه هدفمند دارو، می‌توانند برخی از چالش‌های رسانش دارو را به سلول‌های سرطانی کاهش دهند. هدف از این مطالعه، تهیه و ارزیابی فیزیوشیمیایی فرمولاسیون‌های مختلفی از سامانه‌ی لیپونیوزومی حاوی دوکسوروبیسین به منظور دستیابی به فرمولاسیونی هدفمند، جهت مبارزه بهتر با سلولهای سرطانی است.روش کار: نانوحامل‌ها با استفاده از نسبت‌های مولی مختلف از پالمیتویل ف...

[ 15 ] - Designing and Characterizing Nano-carriers Containing Nepeta Persica Extract and Their Effect on Bone Cancer

Aims Niosomes have been considered as carriers for targeted delivery of drugs in modern drug delivery systems. The Iranian Nepta (Nepta genus) has unique biological properties; thus, this plant was used in this study to prepare the optimized formulation of niosomes containing extract, and to evaluate its cytotoxicity. Methods & Materials Initially, the extract of Iranian Nepta (N. persica) was...

[ 16 ] - Synthesis and Evaluation of Lipid-based Nanoparticle Containing Ginger Extract against Aspergillus Species

Introduction: Loading the active ingredients of medicinal plants in lipid nanoparticles reduces the reaction of the active substance with the surrounding environment, such as water and oxygen, and reduces the intensity of transmission or evaporation to the external environment. In this study, intended to enhance efficacy of ginger extract, encapsulation in nanoliponiosome synthesized by thin-fi...

[ 17 ] - Fabrication and characterization of liposomal nano-carriers containing essential oils of Trachyspermum ammi to counteract Trichomonas vaginalis

Introduction: Annually, a large part of the world population is infected with trichomoniasis. On the other hand, the common medicines used to treat this disease can have many side effects. The aim of the present study was to construct a liposomal system containing essential oil of Trachyspermum ammi and investigate its physicochemical properties to combat trichomoniasis infection. Materials and...

[ 18 ] - Experimental study: Investigation of graphene oxide nanoparticles effect on increasing the thermal effect of ultrasound waves on water for thermal therapy of cancer cells

Background & Aim: Ultrasound hyperthermia with nanoparticles has been regarded as an effective method for localized death of cancerous cells with fewer side effects to the surrounding normal tissues. The aim of this study was to investigate the increasing of water temperature by ultrasound waves in the presence of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles in order to be used in thermal treatment of can...

[ 19 ] - Fabrication and characterization of liposomal nanoparticles containing hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisia absintium and its toxicity on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line

Introdution:The use of chemotherapy drugs has side effects and the use of herbal compounds in the treatment of cancer faces challenges. Nanoparticles, especially liposomes, with appropriate properties in drug delivery, such as slow drug release, low toxicity at the target cell site, can solve some of these problems. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to construct a liposomal system con...

[ 20 ] - Effect of Rosemary Essential Oil on BIM Apoptotic Gene Expression in MCF 7 Breast Cancer Cell Line

Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and its treatment is associated with many side effects. Herbal medicine has fewer side effects than chemical drugs, so they are especially important in the treatment of many diseases. Rosemary plant has anti-cancer effects due to its antioxidant properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Rosemary essential oi...

[ 21 ] - Investigation of Differentiated Embryonic Stem Cells Growth on Optimized Porous Polymeric Bed with Fuzzy System

Introduction: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the retina diseases in which retinal pigment epithelium cells are degraded and lead to blindness. Available treatments only slow down the progression of it. In this study, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) differentiated into retinal pigment epithelium cells were cultured on a polycaprolactone scaffold. Methods: The optimization o...

[ 22 ] - Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Nano niosomal Delivery system Containing paclitaxel drug for Drug Delivery to Osteosarcoma Cell Line (Saos-2)

Introduction: Osteosarcoma is one of the cancers that current treatment strategies using chemotherapy drugs have not been very successful due to multiple drug resistance and harmful side effects. The use of nano-niosomal systems in the delivery of paclitaxel is one of the attractive approaches to overcome these limitations. paclitaxel is a powerful anticancer agent used in the treatment of many...

[ 23 ] - Investigating the antioxidant and anti-proliferative activity of Foeniculum vulgare seed essential oil on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and A2780 ovarian cancer cell line

Background & aim: Due to the presence of high amounts of compounds with antioxidant and cytotoxic properties in Foeniculum vulgare mill seed essential oil, the aim of this study was to investigate the toxicity of Foeniculum vulgare mill seed essential oil on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and A2780 ovarian cancer cell line and to investigate the antioxidant activity of the essential oil of this ...