سوری, زهرا

دانشگاه رازی

[ 1 ] - بررسی اثر متقابل آرسنیک و فسفر بر محتوی کلروفیل و میزان تجمع مالون دی آلدهید در گیاه Isatis cappadocica

Naser Karimi* and Zahra Souri2 Department of Biology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran (Received: 13 December 2013, Accepted: 11 May 2014) Abstract: Arsenic is considered as one of the most important environmental contaminant compounds. Arsenic is known to induce oxidative stress in plants by generating various reactive oxygen species and thus increased lipid peroxidation. Phos...

[ 2 ] - اثر غلظت‌های مختلف آرسنیک و فسفر بر محتوی اسمولیت‌های بخش هوایی گیاه Isatis cappadocica

Arsenic is considered as one of the most important environmental contaminant compound. Some plant species can grow in arsenic contaminated soil and they are able to reduce arsenic toxicity. Nowadays, phytoremediation as a new and friendly environmental technique employs the use of plants to remediate contaminated soil. Previous studies showed that Isatis cappadocica is an arsenic hyperaccumulat...

[ 3 ] - Interactive of arsenate and phosphate on arsenic-induced oxidative stress in root of Isatis cappadocica Desv.

In present study, growth, arsenic accumulation, and antioxidant responses in root of Isatis cappadocica were investigated in response to application of arsenate and phosphate. Reduction in root dry weights was significant with 1200 µM arsenate and 5 µM phosphate treatments. Phosphate had a steady effect on root dry weight improvement, especially in high arsenate treatments ≥ 200 μM. As concentr...

[ 4 ] - The effect of arsenic and sodium nitroprusside on the physiological responses and antioxidant enzymes activity of Isatis cappadocica

Arsenic (As) stress, through the creation of oxidative stress, can cause phytotoxicity (e.g. The decrease of growth and chlorophyll content) in plants. Nitric oxide (NO), by promotion of the antioxidant system, plays an important role in reducing heavy metal-induced oxidative stress. In this study, the role of exogenously applied sodium nitroprusside (SNP; a NO donor) on physiological responses...
