مظلوم, نجمه
[ 1 ] - مقایسه کارآیی گیاهپالایی با استفاده از سسبانیا (Sesbania acuelata)، روناس (Rubia tinctorum) و مرغ (Cynodon dactylon) و روشهای شیمیایی در اصلاح یک خاک شور- سدیمی
The reclamation of salt-affected soils which occur on 831×106 ha can be effective in increasing agricultural production. Cultivation of plant species which are resistant to salinity can improve the soil by increasing the solubility of calcite and releasing the calcium in soil solution. This study was conducted as a column experiment with a saline-sodic soil (SAR = 23.8, EC= 12.88 dS m-1, pH= 7....