ناهید پورعبدالله,

[ 1 ] - تأثیر زبری در شیب‌های معکوس بر عمق ثانویه و نرخ استهلاک انرژی پرش هیدرولیکی

Most of researches related to hydraulic jump have been done on horizontal and rough beds, and little attempt has been made on rough beds with adverse slopes. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of rough beds with adverse slope on hydraulic jump characteristics. The variations of energy loss in stilling basins with three adverse slopes and three different roughnesses were stud...

[ 2 ] - Evaluation of ANFIS and ANFIS-PSO Models for Estimating Hydraulic Jump Characteristics

In this study accuracy of the ANFIS and ANFIS-PSO models to estimate hydraulic jump characteristics including sequence depth ratio, the jump length, the roller length ratio, and relative energy loss was evaluated in stilling basin versus laboratory results. The mentioned characteristics were measured in the stilling basin with a rectangular cross-section with four different adverse slopes, four...