سجادی فر, صدیقه

دانشگاه اصفهان

[ 1 ] - شبیه‌سازی حفاظی چندلایه برای یک چشمه استوانه‌ای 241Am-Beبه‌منظور کاهش هرچه بیشتر دز معادل نوترون با استفاده از کد MCNP5

In order to simulate neutron shields, MCNP5 calculation code was used and three types of homogeneous and separated shield multilayer arrangement, irradiated with 241Am-Be neutron sources were investigated. In these shields, the polyethylene (C2H4) and polystyrene (C8H8) were used as moderator material, and the boron carbide (B4C), as a thermal neutron absorber material and stainless steel as a ...