عبداله میانجی, فریدون

سازمان انرژی اتمی و پژوهشگاه علوم و فنون هسته ای

[ 1 ] - روش جدید خورش چندمرحله‌ای کالیبراسیون آشکارساز ردپای هسته‌ای 39CR- برای بیناب‌سنجی ذرات آلفا

In this paper, application of the CR-39 passive nuclear track detector for spectrometry of alpha particles is investigated. To this end, a standard Am-241 source as the alpha radiation source, and brass collimators with different heights for energy determination of alpha particles were utilized. The detectors were irradiated by alpha particles in the energy range of 0.8 to 4.8 MeV and then were...

[ 2 ] - ارزیابی ضرورت به‌کارگیری دزیمتر فردی در رادیولوژی دندان

Lowness of the registered doses by the personal dosimeters (film badge in Iran) for most of dental radiology practitioners has made some of them doubtful about the rightness of the employed dosimetry method. On the other hand, some relatively considerable occupational exposures in dental radiology have been reported. These two opposite facts propose a comprehensive statistical and analytical re...

[ 3 ] - تعیین پرتوگیری کارکنان در حوادث بحرانی‌شدن به روش دزیمتری مو

This paper proposes a method for dose estimation in criticality accidents through hair dosimetry. This method is one of the essential requirements of a comprehensive dosimetry system for responding the criticality accidents. The hair samples were irradiated to different dose levels on a RANDO phantom in a standard Cf-252 field. Post-preparation of the samples were done by solving them in approp...

[ 4 ] - Improvement of Accuracy in Environmental Dosimetry by TLD Cards Using Three-dimensional Calibration Method

Background: The angular dependency of response for TLD cards may cause deviation from its true value on the results of environmental dosimetry, since TLDs may be exposed to radiation at different angles of incidence from the surrounding area.Objective: A 3D setting of TLD cards has been calibrated isotropically in a standard radiation field to evaluate the improvement of the accuracy of meas...