رحیقی, جواد

پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی

[ 1 ] - طراحی و شبیه‌سازی ستون شتابدهنده دوترونی الکترواستاتیکی 2MV

In this paper design and simulation of an optimized accelerator tube is presented for the production of light charged particles up to energy of 2 MeV. Geometry of the accelerator tube electrodes was simulated based on the Van De Graaff accelerator tubes of Atomic Energy Organization by SIMION 7.0, Virtual Device and SIMION Toolkit codes. In accelerator tube, the extracted ion beam from the ion ...

[ 2 ] - چشمه نور ایران، اولین آزمایشگاه ملی برای تحقیقات بین رشته‌ای

The Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF) project is the first large scale accelerator facility which is currently under planning in Iran. On the basis of the present design, circumference of the 3 GeV storage ring is 528 m. Beam current and natural beam emittance are 400 mA and 0.477 nm.rad, respectively. Some prototype accelerator components such as high power solid state radio frequency ampli...