یاراحمدی, رسول

مرکز تحقیقات بهداشت کار و عضو هیئت علمی دانشکده بهداشت دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران

[ 1 ] - بررسی عملکرد HSE پیمانکاران مبتنی برشاخص های کلیدی در صنایع پتروشیمی: (یک مطالعه موردی)

  Background and aims: According to the progressive trend of contracting companies' activity in petrochemical industries, also the significant role of HSE in sustainable improvement, it seems that there is a need to have an appropriate plan for evaluation of Contractor s performance.   The purposeofthisresearch is the assessment and evaluation of Contractor s HSE performance based onkey indicat...

[ 2 ] - بررسی نقش کارایی پاسخ درک شده بر کاهش ریسک فاکتورهای ارگونومیکی در یکی از صنایع تولیدی شهرستان سبزوار

Background and aims: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most important causes of workers disabilities, increasing compensations and reducing productivity in developed and developing countries .According bureau of labor statistics in 2010, 29 percent of injuries and musculoskeletal disorders are diseases that cause absence from work. The objective of this study is determining the role of r...

[ 3 ] - بررسی وارزیابی ریسک فاکتورهای مربوط به فعالیت دستها در یک صنعت خودرو سازی در سال 1390

  Background and aims: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are the most prevalence problems of working populations in many developing countries and specifically in Iran. One of the most important disorders is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) which has been reported in many industries, especially in workers of automotive companies. The aim of this study is the risk assessment of related f...

[ 4 ] - ارائه یک روش نرم افزاری جهت استفاده از ارزیابی ریسک در بهینه سازی اقدامات حفاظت حریق ساختمان

  Background and aims: The property loss and physical injuries due to fire events in buildings demonstrate the necessity of implementation of efficient and performance based fire safety measures. Effective and high efficiency protection is possible when design and selection of protection measures are based on risk assessment. This study aims at presenting a software method to make possible sele...