پیشه‌ور, احمدرضا

دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان

[ 1 ] - ALE مدلسازی انفجار در آب به همراه کاویتاسیون با استفاده از روش

In the present paper thecompressibleflowoftheunderwaterexplosionhasbeensimulatedusing One-fluid method along with the Eulerian-Lagrangian ALE method. Besides, the exact Riemann solver and an appropriate equation of state which is consistent with the thermodynamic behavior of water in underwater explosion, is employed. The two dimensional underwater explosion problem near a flat plate is mode...

[ 2 ] - Aerodynamic Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)

An efficient formulation for the robust shape optimization of aerodynamic objects is introduced in this paper. The formulation has three essential features. First, an Euler solver based on a second-order Godunov scheme is used for the flow calculations. Second, a genetic algorithm with binary number encoding is implemented for the optimization procedure. The third ingredient of the procedure is...

[ 3 ] - Numerical Simulation of Shock-Wave/Boundary/Layer Interactions in a Hypersonic Compression Corner Flow

Numerical results are presented for the shock-boundary layer interactions in a hypersonic flow over a sharp leading edge compression corner. In this study, a second- order Godunov type scheme based on solving a Generalized Riemann Problem (GRP) at each cell interface is used to solve thin shear layer approximation of laminar Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. The calculated flow-field shows general...
