رحمتی, یاسمین

دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

[ 1 ] - دایه‌گری دیجیتالی و اختلال طیف اتیسم

Background: Digital Nanning is a style of care that digital devices replaced by child active relationship with environment and child are exposed to permanent digital devices. Children who had been exposed to direct digital nanning for several hours from a very young age, losing the opportunity to interact with the mother or caregiver and do not get rich environment that are necessary for normal...

[ 2 ] - روان شناسی محیط زیست و آلودگی هوای شهر تهران

Abstract Tehran is one of the most polluted cities in the world that this pollution has physical and psychological harmful consequences. This study an applied analytical methods based on library studies and documents for the purpose of utilizing the principles of environmental psychology and behavior analysis of citizens' attitudes in four categories; Due to importance of addressing the caus...