زرین‌بال, مرضیه

پژوهشگاه علوم و فناوری اطلاعات ایران (ایرانداک)

[ 1 ] - مدیریت دارایی و بدهی در صندوق های بازنشستگی با رویکرد سیستمی در محیط فازی

Since pension funds are among the most important and effective organizations in economic and social environments, it is critical to study their problems ahead. Asset and liability management (ALM) is a useful tool to study pension funds and their stakeholders. This paper tries to understand the key factors effecting on ALM and to analyze them using system dynamics. Fuzzy inference engine is als...

[ 2 ] - طراحی مدل مفهومی اجرای بازی‌وارسازی در سامانه‌ ثبت پایان‌نامه‌ها و رساله‌های پژوهشگاه علوم و فناوری اطلاعات ایران

Gamification is one of the most important method in acquiring and improving user engagement and challenging competitors. It defines as using game based thinking and game elements in non-game context to encourage users, solve the problems and to gain certain behaviors. Developing a conceptual model for improving the process of obtaining data in thesis and dissertations registration system is the...