Dr. Mansour Amini
Assistant Professor of Translation Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, ELC, FOSSLA, UCSI University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[ 1 ] - The Efficacy of Procedural and Declarative Learning Strategies on EFL Students’ Oral Proficiency
Style and strategies in EFL learning contexts and the effects of task types were explored to enhance language learning strategies. Using a quantitative pre-test, post-test design and interviews, this study investigated the effects of procedural and declarative learning strategies on EFL learners’ acquisition of English past tense performing narrative tasks. The participants were 396 male and fe...
[ 2 ] - Investigating Noticing in Narrative Writing Tasks and its Effect on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
The practice of ‘writing to learn’ has been propounded as fast-tracking the dynamic process of noticing problems in L2 writing. However, a marked melioration in learners’ attempted output requires a form of corrective feedback, among which modeling has proven to bear vigorous input enhancement effects. The present study attempted to inspect what EFL learners notice throughout their own output a...
[ 3 ] - Instructors and Students’ Use of Literal, Reorganization, and Inferential Reading Strategies
Different types of reading strategies pose challenges to instructors and learners in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. This study aimed at identifying and comparing reading strategies used by instructors and students in dealing with literal comprehension, reorganization, and inferential comprehension questions. The participants werefive EFL instructors and 27 students from the En...