Reza Akbari

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Payame Noor University, P.O.Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - The analysis of a disease-free equilibrium of Hepatitis B model

In this paper we study the dynamics of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection under administration of a vaccine and treatment, where the disease is transmitted directly from the parents to the offspring  and also through contact with infective individuals. Stability of the disease-free steady state is investigated. The basic reproductive rate, $R_0$, is derived. The results show that the dynamics of...

[ 2 ] - Inverse Problem for Interior Spectral Data of the Dirac Operator with Discontinuous Conditions

In this paper, we study the inverse problem for Dirac differential operators with  discontinuity conditions in a compact interval. It is shown that the potential functions can be uniquely determined by the value of the potential on some interval and parts of two sets of eigenvalues. Also, it is shown that the potential function can be uniquely determined by a part of a set of values of eigenfun...