Mohammad Hossein Sattari

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, P.O.Box 53751-71379, Tabriz, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Symmetric module and Connes amenability

In this paper we introduce two symmetric variants of amenability, symmetric module amenability and symmetric Connes amenability. We determine symmetric module amenability and symmetric Connes amenability of some concrete Banach algebras. Indeed, it is shown that $ell^1(S)$ is  a symmetric $ell^1(E)$-module amenable if and only if $S$ is amenable, where $S$ is an inverse semigroup with subsemigr...

[ 2 ] - On $n$-derivations

In this article, the notion of $n-$derivation is introduced for all integers $ngeq 2$. Although all derivations are $n-$derivations,  in general these notions are not equivalent. Some properties of ordinary derivations are  investigated for $n-$derivations. Also, we show that under certain mild condition  $n-$derivations are derivations.

[ 3 ] - Bounded Approximate Character Amenability of Banach Algebras

The bounded approximate version of $varphi$-amenability and character amenability are introduced and studied. These new notions are characterized in several different ways, and some hereditary properties of them are established. The general theory for these concepts is also developed. Moreover, some examples are given to show that these notions are different from the others. Finally, bounded ap...