Azadeh Alijani

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, P.O. Box 7719758457, Rafsanjan, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Similar generalized frames

Generalized frames are an extension of frames in Hilbert  spaces and  Hilbert $C^*$-modules. In this paper, the concept ''Similar" for modular $g$-frames is introduced and all of operator duals (ordinary duals) of similar $g$-frames with respect to each other are characterized. Also, an operator dual of a given $g$-frame is studied where $g$-frame is constructed by a primary $g$-frame and an or...

[ 2 ] - Duals of Some Constructed $*$-Frames by Equivalent $*$-Frames

Hilbert frames theory have been extended to frames in Hilbert $C^*$-modules. The paper introduces equivalent $*$-frames and presents ordinary duals of a constructed $*$-frame by an adjointable and invertible operator. Also, some necessary and sufficient conditions are studied such that $*$-frames and ordinary duals or operator duals of another $*$-frames are equivalent under these conditions. W...
