Bahee Hadaegh

[ 1 ] - A Sociological Study of Beyhaqi History Applying Robert Putnam’s Theory of Social Capital

The topic in question is concerned with the sociological aspect of literature referring to Iran’s literary and historical experience. The basis of sociological criticism is built on the premise that literary works are the products of social life and that a comprehensive understanding of a work without considering its social aspects is impractical. To reach a better, more scientific, and more pr...

[ 3 ] - Contemporary Iranian Dramatist, Eastern Visual Provocation, and Cultural Originality

The necessity of taking refuge in literary productions has been intensified due to the societies’ severe involvement in the features of the modern world. Loss of identity and failure to maintain an integrated self are the repercussions of distancing from humanistic roots. Some attempts in modern art/literature appear to focus more on visual styles to represent the catastrophes of the modern uni...

[ 4 ] - First as Farce, Then as Filmfarsi: Film Adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew in Iran

This article is concerned with William Shakespeare’s famous farce play The Taming of the Shrew and its Persian adaptation as an Iranian film called Gorbe ra dame Hejleh Mikoshand in 1969. The point that informs the inquiry is the way the film departs and differs from the play in relation to the issue of women within the patriarchal society. The play and the film will be examined separately in d...

[ 5 ] - مفهوم "آلوده" در اندیشه فروغ فرخزاد و تطبیق آن با تفکر"طرد" در «قدرت‌های وحشت» کریستیوا

این مقاله به بررسی تطبیقی مفهوم "آلوده" در شعر «تولدی دیگر» فروغ فرخزاد با تفکر "طرد" در «قدرت‌های وحشت» جولیا کریستیوا می‌پردازد. این مقاله در پی آن است که تصاویر "آلوده" را بر اساس خوانشی تطبیقی با «قدرت‌های وحشت» کریستوا در «تولدی دیگر» فروغ مورد مطالعه قرار دهد. دلیل انتخاب فروغ فرخزاد این است که نظریه کریستیوا...

[ 6 ] - Australian Aborigines’ Reconstructed History in Robert Merritt’s Play,The Cake Man

One of the parts and parcels of postcolonial literature is to deconstruct the history written by imperialism and to present the one as experienced by the colonized. As victims of British colonialism, Australian Aborigines have always mirrored the historical religious and territorial subjugation of their land in their writings, especially in their dramatic literature because of its high populari...