Mohammad Esmaeil akbari

[ 1 ] - Reinforcement Learning Based PID Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems

In this paper an adaptive PID controller for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) has been developed. Theadaptation technique applied to this controller is based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) theory. Nonlinearcharacteristics of wind variations as plant input, wind turbine structure and generator operational behaviordemand for high quality adaptive controller to ensure both robust stability an...

[ 2 ] - Optimal Controller for Single Phase Island Photovoltaic Systems

Increasing of word demand load caused a new Distributed Generation (DG) to enter to powersystem. One of the most renewable energy is the Photovoltaic System. It is beneficial to use thissystem in both separately as well as connected to power system using power electronics interface.In this paper an optimal PID controller for Photovoltaic System systems has been developed. Theoptimization techni...

[ 3 ] - The Intelligent Modeling of Human Hand Motion Using Magnetic Based Techniques

With increasing use of robots instead of human in industrial, medicine and military applications etc.the importance of research on designing and building of robots is increasing. In this paper variousmethods of the human hand motion simulation has been investigated and we used one of most commonmethod named Data-gloves which extract data from hand and then we simulated hand motion duringseveral...
