Vebil Yıldırım
Cukurova University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Turkey
[ 1 ] - Exact Radial Free Vibration Frequencies of Power-Law Graded Spheres
This study concentrates on the free pure radial vibrations of hollow spheres made of hypothetically functionally simple power rule graded materials having identical inhomogeneity indexes for both Young’s modulus and the density in an analytical manner. After offering the exact elements of the free vibration coefficient matrices for free-free, free-fixed, and fixed-fixed restraints, a parametric...
[ 2 ] - The Complementary Functions Method (CFM) Solution to the Elastic Analysis of Polar Orthotropic Rotating Discs
This study primarily deals with introducing an efficient numerical technique called the Complementary Functions Method (CFM) for the solutions of the initial value problem for the linear elastic analysis of anisotropic rotating uniform discs. To bring the performance of the method to light, first, closed form formulas are derived for such discs. The governing equation of the problem at stake is...