B Sicuro
[ 1 ] - A floating cage system for rearing freshwater mussels Anodonta anatina and Unio mancus in Piedmont region (NW Italy)
This research represents the first attempt in Italy to develop a cage system for adult freshwater mussel stocking, for extensive farming, that was realized from 2003 to 2005 in NW Italy. Two autochthonous species of Italian freshwater mussel were used: Anodonta anatina and Unio mancus. 5133 mussels were collected and successively stocked in floating cages in 5 different sites in a lake. This st...
[ 2 ] - A floating cage system for rearing freshwater mussels Anodonta anatina and Unio mancus in Piedmont region (NW Italy)
This research represents the first attempt in Italy to develop a cage system for adult freshwater mussel stocking, for extensive farming, that was realized from 2003 to 2005 in NW Italy. Two autochthonous species of Italian freshwater mussel were used: Anodonta anatina and Unio mancus. 5133 mussels were collected and successively stocked in floating cages in 5 different sites in a lake. This st...