M. Adel

[ 1 ] - Enteric redmouth disease: Past, present and future: A review

Enteric red mouth disease (also known as Yersiniosis) is one of the most significant bacterial infections in coldwater fish farms that cause significant mortalities and economical losses in the salmonids fish farms, especially in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). ERM is caused by the gram negative pathogen bacteria Yersinia ruckeri that has five O-serotypes (O1, O2, O5, O6 and O7), five oute...

[ 2 ] - Enteric redmouth disease: Past, present and future: A review

Enteric red mouth disease (also known as Yersiniosis) is one of the most significant bacterial infections in coldwater fish farms that cause significant mortalities and economical losses in the salmonids fish farms, especially in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). ERM is caused by the gram negative pathogen bacteria Yersinia ruckeri that has five O-serotypes (O1, O2, O5, O6 and O7), five oute...
