Alireza Bidkhori

PhD Candidate of Urban Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(FUM), International CampusFaculty Member of Kherad Garayan Motahar Higher Education Institute, Mashhad, Iran

[ 1 ] - A Survey on Heavy Metal Concentration in Downstream Wells of Landfill (Case of Mashhad, Iran)

This study at first level focused on definitions and descriptions of  some landfills and landfills sites all around the world and  survey on how important they are for regional governments and responsible in duty  as a very important responsibility for locals and their health. At the second level we had a look on heavy metals concentration which are by many definitions as follows: lead, nickel,...

[ 2 ] - A Survey on Heavy Metal Concentration in Downstream Wells of Landfill (Case of Mashhad, Iran)

This study at first level focused on definitions and descriptions of  some landfills and landfills sites all around the world and  survey on how important they are for regional governments and responsible in duty  as a very important responsibility for locals and their health. At the second level we had a look on heavy metals concentration which are by many definitions as follows: lead, nickel,...
