Mandana Saniee

Assistant Professor of Communications at Department of Mass Communication Faculty of Humanities, Shargh Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Role of ICT in Sustainable Urban Development by Using Model SWOT

Information and communication technologies are the most recent scientific achievements of mankind's ability seems to have much to offer society and are expected to be useful in solving the problems of human society. Many around the world believe that accelerates the process of adjustment in the exchange of knowledge and information through information and communication technologies a vital role...

[ 2 ] - The Role of Information Technology in Urban Management Development

Objective: In addition to issues such as environment, transportation, safely and urban planning, one of the most important factors  having increasingly influence on urban organizing factors is urban management. Methods: There are so many issues in cities that for its solving, urban management factor is necessary. complexity and  extensiveness of urban issue and its  development and growth, led ...

[ 3 ] - Role of ICT in Sustainable Urban Development by Using Model SWOT

Information and communication technologies are the most recent scientific achievements of mankind's ability seems to have much to offer society and are expected to be useful in solving the problems of human society. Many around the world believe that accelerates the process of adjustment in the exchange of knowledge and information through information and communication technologies a vital role...

[ 4 ] - The Role of Information Technology in Urban Management Development

Objective: In addition to issues such as environment, transportation, safely and urban planning, one of the most important factors  having increasingly influence on urban organizing factors is urban management. Methods: There are so many issues in cities that for its solving, urban management factor is necessary. complexity and  extensiveness of urban issue and its  development and growth, led ...
