Mohammad Reza Mahabadi

c M.A. student business of administration , Management Department, University of Isfahan , CEO of Parsian Steel Company.,

[ 1 ] - The effect of Intellectual capital on hotels’ financial performance

Intellectual capital (IC) is organizational intangible asset which is frequently associated with performance. IC is commonly categorized into three core components: human capital, structural capital and relational capital. This study takes a step further in the evolution of the IC model for the hotel industry and divides relationship capital into two categories: End customer- relationship capit...

[ 2 ] - Explain the Role of Psychological Capital in Knowledge Sharing of an Organization

Explain the Role of Psychological Capital in Knowledge Sharing of an Organization Abstract The aim of present study was to investigate knowledge sharing approach as essential factor in the advancement of organization's purposes and also the effect of psychological capital dimensions in improving and accelerating of this process and want to measure these effects in transferring knowledge among i...